How to prepare your pool for winter?



The winterizing process is here to protect your pool water during winter


The winterizing process is here to protect your pool water during winter, mostly to avoid:


    • Scale deposition

    • Rust development

    • Bacteria and algae development

    • Cracking of the walls and pipe link to water freezing


    check the pH

    _ 6,5 < pH < 7,2 : easier winterizing process (reduce scale deposition during winter, and through this the growth of algae/bacteria)

    _ pH < 6,5 : increase pH

    use 150g/10m3 of pH plus powder to increase pH by 0,2 units.

    _ pH > 7,2 : reduce pH

    use 150g/10m3 of pH minus powder to reduce pH by 0,2 unité.


    It is very important to adjust pH dose per dose (0.2 per 0.2), adding one dose every 2 hours to improve the treatment and respect water balancing. Each dose must be adding without any bather inside the pool.


    Preparation for winterizing : shock treatment

    The aim of a shock treatment is to kill any algae/bacteria inside the pool to have a perfect healthy water before winter.

    This treatment must be done the day before, or a few hours before the winterizing process.

    For this, prefer the use of Acti HP Granules (Stabilizer free) with 150g/10m3


    In case of treatment with Baquacil, do not use any chlorine products, but use or Acti TOP or Baquacil shock.


    Winterizing process

    Passive winterizing

    If your water may freeze during winter (temperature lower than 5°C during all winter), please proceed this way:

      • Make a deep cleaning of the filter using a Filter Cleaner: to remove any scale, dust, grease that have been accumulating during the season inside the filter.

      • Drain a part of the pool: to have the water line under the water return/inlet

      • To improve its dilution, you can filter after closing the skimmer valve and keep open only main drain and water return / inlet.

      • Let the filtration work for minimum 1h.

      • Add anti freezing device (floating, pipe protections…) to avoid any crack of pipes and wall in case of freezing temperature (lower than 0°C in winter).

      • Close any valves, and remove water from the filter to avoid its breaking if the filter could be expose to low temperature and freeze.

      Active winterizing

      It your water could not freeze during winter (temperature higher than 5°C during all winter), please proceed this way:

        • Make a deep cleaning of the filter using a Filter Cleaner: to remove any scale, dust, grease that have been accumulating during the season inside the filter.

        • Let the filtration work for minimum 1h.

        • Set the filter clock to allow every day a minimum of 2h filtration (at least one complete water circulation inside the filter every 2 days)


        To improve this treatment, you can use the same amount of Acti winter at the beginning of spring.

        NOTA 1 : in case of hard water, double dose.

        NOTA 2 : to have a better protection, it is necessary to use a pool cover.

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